Benson Pan

I love to learn about everything and tinker with code! This is a small collection of writing and projects that I've worked on :)

Currently: Software Engineer @ Yelp


Speeding Up Delivery With Merge Queues

Dive into the details on how we supercharged our busy monorepo's code delivery with a batched queue system!

Speeding Up Delivery With Merge Queues


Migrating from Styleguidist to Storybook

Check out how and why a large monorepo migrated from Styleguidist to Storybook. Spoilers: we used codemods to preserve existing examples!

Migrating from Styleguidist to Storybook


Real-time mini-game chat rooms built on Phoenix and React! See it in action below, best viewed on desktop. Work in progress, I plan to revamp this some time in the future! 🚧

WISS screenshot